Is It Safe or Easy to Sleep on Amtrak in Coach

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Train travel might be my new favorite way to travel. But there are things I wish I knew before sleeping in coach on an Amtrak train overnight.

When I traveled the whole US from east to west by train, I was worried about sleeping conditions. I had the Rail Pass at a discounted price so I wasn't able to upgrade to a sleeper car.

Turns out it was doable sleeping in coach on Amtrak trains, although I learned some tips that would have made the experience more enjoyable.

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Is it comfortable to sleep in coach on Amtrak trains?

Much more than I thought! The seats made me feel like I was sitting in first class on a plane rather than in coach on an Amtrak train. The seats were huge with enough leg room to stretch my legs out without touching the seat in front of me (I'm 5'8''). And trust me, leg room makes sleeping in coach so much better, and it's why I prefer sleeping on Amtrak trains over airplanes.

What should I wear on the Amtrak trains when sleeping overnight?

I'd recommend layers. Start off with not many (especially if it's hot outside and you're rushing to catch your train like I always am) and build your way up with more layers. As I'll mention later, it can get really cold on the trains.

Definitely wear long pants, and maybe a t-shirt with a sweater (and even coat). If you're wearing sandals or flip flops, bring socks to keep your feet warm while you sleep.

See some of my top recommendations for women's clothes that's both comfy and fashionable, so perfect for travel!

What should I bring with me when sleeping overnight in coach on an Amtrak train?

1. Pillow

I don't know about you, but sleeping without a pillow isn't possible for me. Unlike airplanes, you won't be provided one on a train, so take your own.

I'd recommend a neck pillow, which is especially useful if you don't have the window seat. This one also comes with eye mask and ear plugs, things you will also want to bring when sleeping overnight on an Amtrak train!

2. Blanket

It can get cold on the train. I was on 10 Amtrak trains during my monthlong cross country train trip, and I'd say half of those trains were freezing (summertime, so AC was blasting).

The very first train segment was terrible because I wasn't aware of this. When I saw how big the seats were I got excited, thinking I'd be able to sleep the whole night. But I kept waking up because I was freezing.

A blanket is a must, in my opinion! And a warm down one is preferable, especially since it can pack down into a tiny bag. At the very least, bring along a shawl like I did, which you can also wear out and about.

3. Eye mask

They dim the lights during quiet hours and there are curtains on your window. But I found that not all people closed their curtains and the lights of the world outside passing by were annoying. And if we stopped at night and people got on, they would bring light in too.

If you're sensitive to lights being on while you sleep definitely get an eye mask.

4. Comfy clothes

You can either wear them, or you can change into them at night. There are changing rooms downstairs where the restrooms are, and it felt so refreshing to change into comfy (and warm!) clothes at night, and then be able to change back into my "day clothes" in the morning.

See the best women's travel clothes here.

5. Warm socks

It was also nice to take off my shoes and put warm socks on at night while sleeping. It not only gave my feet a rest but also kept them warm.

Do keep in mind however that you can't walk about the train without your shoes on. Not only is it a safety hazard, but it's gross!

6. Lock

Not necessary, but it gave me peace of mind, especially since I was traveling alone. You can go to the observation car when traveling in coach on Amtrak, and that's a much appreciated luxury. The reason why is that you can stretch your legs by going there and you can also talk on the phone, play on your laptop or have a conversation here without waking anyone up during quiet hours.

I was a bit nervous leaving my bag behind in my coach car though, so I felt a lot better having my bag locked. Sure, it's not fail-proof and someone can simply take your bag off the train. But it still gave me a sense of confidence in leaving my bag with a lock while I enjoyed the freedom of the observation car.

And speaking of bags, check out this awesome guide Wanderu made on how much luggage you can bring with you on a train.

7. Toiletries

I was pleased to see that there were several restrooms per each car, and some trains even had changing rooms or women's lounges. Since there were so many restrooms available, I never had to wait in line and never had to feel guilty taking up a restroom to brush my teeth and freshen up.

It makes sleeping overnight in coach on an Amtrak train much more bearable when you can brush your teeth and hair before and after you sleep.

8. Money

There is a café in Amtrak trains that passengers from coach can buy food and drinks from. It's nice to get hot food to fill your belly, especially if you plan to be on the train for a long time (i.e. sleeping overnight). A hot tea in the morning was my favorite!

You're also allowed to purchase alcohol, but keep in mind you can only drink alcohol in coach if you purchased it on the train, so no bringing your own. It might make it easier for you to fall asleep in coach!

**Keep in mind that when I went (July 2021) they did not accept cash due to Covid.

9. Charger

You don't need a portable charger because every seat has an outlet. And there are outlets in the observation car too if you plan to hang out there!

10. Food

Or, if you don't want to pay for overpriced (and mediocre) food and drink, bring your own. I also brought snacks and food along.

What food should I bring on the train?

Well, unless you plan to eat right when you get on the train, you'll want to bring food that doesn't need to be heated. Depending on how long your segment will be, make sure you have enough food for all the meals you'll be on the train, including the next day if you're sleeping overnight.

Here are some examples of food I'd try to find for each meal.





-Granola bars







-Trail mix

-Chips/ pretzels/ crackers

-Sweets (candy, cookies, etc.)

And don't forget water and other drinks! They're pricy on the train.

Bonus: Covid-related things to bring

-Mask (federally mandated, and strictly enforced)

-Hand sanitizer (they have some near the restrooms but sometimes were empty)

-Antibacterial hand wipes (actually, usual beyond Covid; wipe down your tray tables!)

I hope this helps you prepare for your train trips if you're sleeping overnights in coach on Amtrak trains.

This is everything I wish I had known before sleeping in coach on Amtrak trains, and once I got the hang of it, it was an enjoyable experience!

I wouldn't want to do it more one night at a time though, which is why I recommend you hop out of the train every day to sleep in a hotel or hostel like I did with the Amtrak USA Rail Pass (currently $499). See my itinerary here.

What to Take When Sleeping Overnight in Coach on Amtrak Train Sleeping Overnight in Coach on Amtrak Train PinWhat to Take When Sleeping Overnight in Coach on Amtrak Train Pin blue


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